Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Eli's real birthday post will come later, after his party on Saturday. But today, his actual birthday, I want to be sure and say Happy Birthday sweet Eli! One year ago today was your first day in this world. You always have been and still are the most amazing baby. It's hard to believe my little baby is one year old. This time last year you were a little bundle, swaddled tight, skinny little legs and quiet little cry. I can't even imagine this life without you.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Birthday!

I did not want to let today get away from me without wishing my Dad a Happy Birthday! There are a lot of things I could say about my Dad but basically he's the best Dad a girl could ask for. I could go on and on about all the times he's supported me, been there for me and helped me (unless it involves moving furniture up three flights of stairs :). In short, my Dad is Awesome!
Happy 7-0 Daddy!

Not Much

I think it's been about two weeks since my last post. Not much has been going on, at least nothing blog worthy. I went to a conference in San Antonio last week. I got a little stuck after the conference because of all the bad weather in Dallas and was not able to come home as soon as planned. I know Jeff was glad for me to get home when I finally made it. He had been stuck in the house for several days with all three boys because of all the bad weather. Thankfully, Jeff's Mom was able to come over and provide some much needed relief!
The next week was pretty uneventful too. Eli was sick and had to stay home Tuesday. Then, the boys were out again Wednesday because of snow and ice. Thursday the boys had Valentine parties at school. Luke really got Valentines Day this year so it was a lot of fun. Luke's teacher asked that we work with him and have him write his own name on the Valentines. So we did but the funny part is that he wanted to give every Valentine to Ms. Gina or Lauren. They are both very cute so not a bad idea I guess!
Valentine hat and love bug, made at school. Don't ask me what is up with Luke's smile.
Finally found the Elmo camera from Christmas. It was behind Nathan's bed.

Sweet Eli. Happy boy even when he feels terrible!
Still sick in this one but his lone tooth is showing. He does have another one coming in now so he'll have a couple to eat b-day cake with!
Tomorrow we start back on our regular schedule. Hopefully we won't have any snow or sick days!