Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Party in the USA

Some backyard F.U.N.!!
Mid-air shot.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Time is Flying

Since the end of June, the boys and I have been home together. This past month has really flown by and I'm sad to see it go. With the approach of August, my return to full time work comes closer. Although I know I will love my job and that this decision is the best for us and our future, it's going to be so hard to leave them each day. We've been having fun together and I have learned to appreciate each day I get to spend with them.
This is a new thing. Luke likes for Nathan to sit next to him and for me to cover both of them with the blanket.
Just a cute one of Nathan.
We've also begun to potty train in earnest. This is our first day and our first day in underwear. We've since switched back to pull ups because I could not take the pressure of being on constant watch for accidents. So far, Luke will go to the potty when I make him but has yet to say "I need to go." Our work continues!

This past Friday Grammy and I took the boys to Jack Carter pool. It was a lot of fun! It was hard to get pictures of the boys as they were on the move! It was also Eli's fifth month birthday! Here he is chillin' in the stroller, watching all the fun.

Luke, in action!

Lunch for Eli.
Here the boys are with Jeff. They are all slicked up with sunscreen and we are headed to Grammy and Papa's for a Watkins gathering. They are also sporting their new haircuts!
A close up of Nathan's big boy 'do.'
Eli, just hanging out and taking it all in.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More Mundane

So, here is a week's worth of laundry for the boys. Sometimes I can't believe how big the pile is or the fact that the pile will only get bigger as the boys grow. I've found that putting it all on my bed makes me most likely to fold it and put it away. If it's on the bed and I want to go to bed that night, I have to fold it right? It's kind of become the Monday night routine for me and Jeff to stand and fold their laundry after they have gone to bed. It's nice really to have some quiet time together. Most of the time we end up talking about the boys :)
It's nap time right now and I have so much work I need to be doing. But, it's much more fun to take pictures of Eli and put them on the blog :) I'm teaching an online class in July and I really need to be reading! The big boys had gone to bed and Eli and I were playing before he was ready for a nap. Isn't procrastination cute?

Ok, I guess I can get busy now :(

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Pictures

These are just some pictures from the last couple of weeks. Nothing special, just enjoying the summer.
My little sardines

Enjoying the new sunglasses

Chillin' watching some Thomas with the new shades and a cereal bar
Yo, Mama, check me out!
Hanging with Daddy (Nathan's not really digging this sharing Daddy thing)
My boys
Got to get between Daddy and Eli

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July!

We spent the 4th of July in Tulsa with my Mom. We ate, swam, ate and swam some more. It was all very busy with 5 little ones around but we had fun. These pictures are in a really random order. I never got my camera out so thanks a lot to my sister for giving all these pictures to me!
The grandkids (minus Kayleigh and Michael) at Carl's Jr. with Mimi
Sweet Kyle at the cafe near the park
Park cafe
Me and Eli watching the fun
Sweet Mr. Paul (he put up with a lot!)
Jeff entertaining the troops
The grill master David
Fearless Kristin
Fearless Kyle
Kyle again with Luke not far behind (as was the case all weekend)
Luke "helping" Paul

Mimi and the kids breaking out the pool toys
Little Eli taking it all in
Me and Luke and Nathan (the best we could get)

Not sure about all this
So excited to get outside!
Doughnuts for breakfast of course:
Luke showing off his 4th of July cupcake face!
We had a great time! Thanks Mimi and Granddaddy for letting us invade your space.