Today was a big day for me. I know usually this blog is devoted to the boys and what's going on with them but I'll go ahead and share what happened for me today. Today I taught my very first college level class! I was nervous but everything turned out fine. The class is a masters level course so I had mostly (somewhat) older students, older than undergraduates at least! I have about 25 students and all are female except 2. They all seem nice, so far! This is a picture of the text we are using:
I'm pretty fortunate that my major professor worked it out for me to teach this course, since I have not graduated yet. It's great experience for me and I think will really help, personally and professionally. I never thought I would be interested AT ALL in teaching at the college level but after a long talk with my major professor and expressing to him my concern about taking a full time, 8-5 type job, given that I have two little boys, he really encouraged me to try teaching at the university level. He explained that university teaching is really a lot like being self employed. If you need to leave early or work unconventional hours, you likely can. He explained to me how conducive it is to having a young family. So, here I am, conquering my fear of teaching adults. Who knows where it will lead, maybe no where but if it will allow me to have a flexible schedule for the boys, it may be something I really pursue after graduation. We'll see I guess! Also, the class meets on T/TH so I can continue my position in the lab. I think it's going to be good. The students are not as fun as third graders but maybe they'll do!