Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lessons Learned

Here are a few things Luke and Nathan have taught me over the last several months.

1. Red ravioli sauce makes great hair gel.

2. Just about anything can be a hat, including a pancake breakfast plate that still has syrup on it. Mixed with red ravioli sauce from the previous night makes for very stylish hair.

3. When followed around by a crying baby, just vacuum. The baby will still cry but he will run the other way.

4. You can dance to the rhythm created by the vacuum moving back and forth on the carpet.

5. A 9 month old can unplug the vacuum, repeatedly (while you are vacuuming of course).

6. A 9 month old will pull up on anything, including the toilet seat (note to self: increase toilet cleaning from bimonthly).

7. Screaming at the top of your lungs is super fun.

8. Two Excedrin Migraine pills can make for a great morning.

9. A 22 month old will eat just about anything if you give him a fork.

10. It is possible to strain a chest muscle from repeatedly reaching behind you on a long car trip to feed a screaming baby "crunchies" to get him to stop crying (totally worth the pain by the way).

11. Sweet hugs, big smiles and precious giggles make it all worth it.


julie mosley said...

It sounds like you learned these lessons the hard way. I especially love #11

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, aren't they??? :)
Don't believe me? Just ask....

Aunt Leanne

Jan said...

Now we get a little more truth about the long car trip! What a trouper mommy is & good training for all! Precious faces!