Monday, January 31, 2011

Sweet Randomness

No theme or special happening with this post. Just some random things to record. I keep having these conversations with the boys that I want to remember but then seldom do. But, I just had one with Nathan and I'll write it here before I forget. I was taking him to get changed before nap time and he saw something and said, Hey! It's baby Jesus! I said wow, that's neat, I missed it (a common response for me since half the time I don't know what he is talking about). He said, can I touch it? Since I had no idea where the baby Jesus sighting came from I said, no, but one day when you are older you can ask Jesus to come and live in your heart, right here, and touched his chest. That was exciting because that set off a stream of, then Jesus can eat dinner with me, Jesus can go potty with me, Jesus can play with me. I agreed! It was neat and I'm glad I did not miss it.
We've had some great weather lately. Here we are in late January playing in the backyard.

Now here is something I would not have done with the other two...letting my 11 month old crawl around in the backyard. This one will have the strongest immune system known to man.

Watching a little Calliou. I can tell it's Monday in this picture because Luke is wearing his Monday Thomas shirt. He LOVES this shirt but it's stretched out, stained and too big. So, I strategically put it out on Mondays (when we stay home) so he will wear it. Then, when he wants to wear it to school, I can say, oh no, sorry honey but it's dirty! Manipulation, a seldom advertised but necessary skill of motherhood.
Mmmmm, Pop Tarts for breakfast.
Nathan wanted to help me cook dinner last night. Here he is on his step (there is a constant battle to keep the step in the bathroom, those couple of inches open up a whole new world of reach).
Mmmm, our dinner seems to mysteriously have a bite taken out of every piece?!
So the rest of this post could be filled with my ramblings about my swirling thoughts about what the next year will bring. I'm starting to interview for the permanent position at Texas Wesleyan. I'm pretty sure I'll get it but nothing will be final until probably the end of March. Then there is the question of when to move and where. I am ready to move because the drive is not fun and shortens my time to work which makes things all around hard. But, then I'm not ready to move and move the boys from their school, significantly lengthen Jeff's commute to the point where he could not pick up the boys (from their as yet unknown new school) which would cause problems with my job and, I keep praying that everything will work out according to the right timing. And, that Jeff will get the right new job at the right time. Then there is the search for balance among my time at work, the boys, workout time (what's that? my flab says), and most importantly, time to pray about all this change. These are not complaints by any means, all these things are good and I spend many moments watching three little blond heads thinking how blessed I am. We just have some stuff to work out. These are precious moments and I appreciate each one, especially ones like right now when they are all asleep!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Love this post! (except the part about moving)