Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Sweet Boys

Here are pictures of the boys at about the same age. I love to see how alike they look and wonder how they will change over the years. I'll put who is who at the end.



A. Eli
B. Nathan
C. Luke


Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. As you know, I grouped this way as each of you, Donna - David - Chuck - Celia, were growing up. All of those now old framed photos are treasures for me today. I enjoy much seeing each of you at ages 1, 2, etc.

Celia, I believe you will be very glad of this type grouping, later.


erickson family said...

aw. sweet boys. I can't believe you now have 3!!! I need to bring you Starbucks soon like you and Shannon did for me! My parents are in town next week, but maybe the week after?-J

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness...what sweet baby boys! You are one blessed mommy! I am adding your blog to my list because I never seem to be able to find it. Eli is precious and I am so thankful you are doing well. Keep the pictures coming!

Jan said...

Yeah! I passed the quiz! Keep those pics coming!

Sheila said...

Love the pictures of those adorable boys! I can't believe you have 3 boys now!!! You are such a great mom, and so calm, that it is perfect. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos..... beautiful boys... Eli... Nathan... Luke...