Saturday, September 4, 2010

...when September ends.

So, I think it’s safe to say that prior to this week, I had been lulled into a false sense of security. For the previous two weeks, my Mom and sister and Jan had all worked hard and kept the boys while I went to work. My Mom was here the first week and my sister and Jan split the second week. Although I was a little sad each day to leave the boys, I felt like I would be able to handle it. Well, when the boys’ school started this past week and all my wonderful help had gone home, I got a real taste of what it will be like. I can’t even begin to express how hard it was to leave the boys at school each day, knowing I would not see them until 6 PM or not at all. I would say that it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I guess leaving them for the last two years was not as bad because, even though it was for a long day and I did not see them even at night, it was only for two days a week and I knew I would get to be with them the entire next day. This is such a different thing. So, I have all the right things floating around in my head, like, this is the best thing for our future, being on a University schedule I will have a lot of time off that other parents don’t get, they need to be around other kids, if I was not working I’m sure I would want to be, I’m being silly, so many people would love to have my schedule, and on and on. It’s not that all that is not true, it’s just it did not help last week. I am pretty good at handling stress but last week, several times I really felt like my head might pop off. So, I guess I wanted to put that all out here so that one day the boys can see how much I love them and how hard it was for me to make this decision to start leaving them. I really would not do this if I did not think that, in the long run, it will work out best for us.

Aside from all my misery, the boys seem to really like school this year. Luke did cry some when I dropped him off but I can tell he had a good time at school. I especially like that both big boys have Bible verses for the week and today, when Luke hurt his foot, he asked me to pray for it! I have done that some at home with him but I just know that must have come from school. I love the thought of the boys learning about Jesus each day.

My work is going fine. I’m learning a lot and learning how much I have to learn! I’m still excited about Texas Wesleyan and still think it’s a great place to be. Sometimes I can’t believe I get paid to read and learn and teach.

Finally, Jeff’s birthday was Friday. We went over to his parents’ house and swam, ate pizza and had Jeff’s choice: red velvet cake. It was a lot of fun and a great way to end a stressful week. We even managed to get a picture of all five of us. We’re not all smiling but no one is crying and we are all looking mostly in the same direction! Happy Times!


Donna said...

C'est pas mots (there are no words) to describe how very much I love and admire you. I am grateful to know you, much less to be your sister.

The Junods said...

You are absolutely doing the right thing for your family. It will pay off in the long run. I will be praying for you and the boys too. You never know what might change and how things could be different in no time at all. Every family functions differently and what you're doing is best for you ALL!!

Jan said...

You are doing a great job at your chief job- being a mom! And you get these great times recorded! Look how Jeff benefits from his special times (and he has fun stories!) Keep on keeping on! love,

Anonymous said...

Dearest Celia,

You are superior... excellent... Far, Far above average. Few could even measure up to you... and no one surpasses you. Yet, it makes me so very sad that you must make such choices...

The difficult choices that you have to make... are not choices that I had to make when you were so small... and it saddens me beyond words to read about the sacrifices that you must make for the boys' futures... Yet, I am sure that you are making the right choices for the boys' futures. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE you and admire you... You are great, Celia Elizabeth. (I have known only one other person, your sister, who made different, but equally difficult, choices for her children.) WOW!! I have two most excellent daughters.
I am blessed.

I will be there next week and for the next few weeks (Wed to Fri) to help you. I want to spend time with my most precious grand sons and I want to help you, precious daughter.

I will bring Jeff's birthday gift with me.... and I will bring your graduation gift (the earrings....)


Shannon said...

I can only imagine how tough your last week was! But - rest assured that you are doing what is best for your sweet family. Your mom is are amazing and don't ever, for one single second, think anything different! Your have three (four!) boys that think you hung the moon and will one day read and hear of how much you sacrificed for THEM! Love you, friend!