Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sick Day

Last Friday Luke woke up saying his ear hurt and he needed to go to the doctor. It was such a specific request that I thought he had probably heard that at school. But, I decided to keep him with me, just in case. He kept complaining (in a happy sort of way) about his ear so I finally called the doctor's office to try and get him in to see someone. It turns out Luke did have an ear infection. Put me down for Mother of the Year. Even though it was for an ear infection, it was nice to spend some time with just Luke. I don't think that has happened since before Eli was born. We were able to go to the mall and ride the train and go to Starbucks. It was a lot of fun (minus having to carry Luke out of the mall crying not to leave but I'm sure I'll forget that part and just remember the fun).

It was yet another day I realized how blessed I am to have the job I have. I was able to spend time with Luke, take him to the doctor and work a little later on Saturday to make up for it.


Anonymous said...

What cute... adorable... photos ... Treasures for a lifetime... Glad you were able to spend some time with Luke. Mother

Jan said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! Uhhh, now he knows how fun it can be to stay home sick with Mom!