Friday, December 31, 2010

10 Months!

On December 23rd, my sweet baby turned 10 months old! Here he is on the big day with my sister, his Aunt Leanne. On Christmas Day Eli started to crawl! I am excited for him to enter this phase! He also got his first tooth today, bottom right. He's a big drooler so it's great he now has something to show for it. Eli is really "talking" now and I can hear some of the same inflections the older boys use, in his sounds. He can wave bye-bye on command but also waves bye-bye if I ask for Mama or Dada! It must all sound the same to him :) I know I've said it a million times but Eli is an amazing baby and an incredible joy to have with us. I really can't imagine what I did without him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible writing about an incredible mom (Celia Elizabeth) and her son (Eli)... and her wonderful, older sister (Donna). I am so very blessed. MUCH LOVE, mother