Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Luke and Nathan, especially Luke, really began to get Christmas this year. I give a lot of that credit to the boys' school. Not only did the school spend time on Christmas activities, they spent time teaching the boys what Christmas is really about. It's obvious the boys talked a lot at school about Christmas being Jesus' birthday and all the parts of the Nativity. Everything came home with a Bible verse on it and the teachers even gave the boys' books about the Christmas story. So, all I had to do was reinforce that at home. It was so neat to hear Nathan not only exclaim about "Santa Claus!" when we would pass one, but he also shouted out "Baby Jesus!" every time we passed a Nativity. This post is really picture heavy so sorry. Because I'm getting pictures off my camera and phone, the pictures are out of order too. And, I did not get pictures of everything we did. Sometimes, three little boys get the best of me and the last thing I am thinking about is getting pictures! One last thing I want to record, today when we were taking down all the Christmas decorations, Luke wanted to know what we were doing. So Jeff and I explained to him that Christmas is over etc.. Oh my goodness! He was so disappointed that Christmas was over and that we had to wait a long time for it to come again! He had just gotten used to asking me "Mama, what do you want Santa to bring you?" Love that sweet boy!
The boys and I went to Tulsa for the week of Christmas and came home Christmas Eve. This is a picture with Santa, outside, in the freezing cold! It was fun! Kristin, Nathan, Eli, Luke and Kyle.
So much fun at Mimi's! A Popsicle a day, right?
Back home, Christmas morning carnage.
Thomas set from Mimi trumps bike on a cold day!
Eli with his new train.
Getting ready for a performance.
At the Northpark train exhibit with Papaw.

Nathan thought it was OK but Luke was in love.
Says it all.
Back in Tulsa, at the Children's Museum.

Ever sweet Eli, taking it all in.
Nathan's shopping.
Me taking a picture of Uncle David and Mimi taking a picture.
Could not get Nathan away from the doctor's office exhibit.
Salon exhibit. Nathan kept calling this one "Daddy!" HA!
Me and Eli, after some pizza.
My Mom and sister :)
Mimi entertaining the troops.
Eli sits so still for me and smiles so much, I always have cute pictures of him :)

Lunch on Christmas Eve, Nathan hit his limit.
Eli, after his first Christmas dinner!
Me and my sweet sister!
Mimi and the boys!

Back at home, Santa loot!
Christmas morning.

Chocolate face, gun loving fun with Daddy!

Love this face!
Freezing cold and my feet don't touch the pedals! Who cares?!

My little fireman!
Move over Hanson, here come the Wilson boys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos... Thanks for sharing Christmas 2010. MUCH LOVE, mother (Sundra), Mimi